Friday 10 September 2010

Stand Up, Take A Deep Breath...

Maker only knows how you've found me - or how you know me, given that I'm promoting this to most of the people I know - but welcome, regardless. I started this blog as a sort-of-sister-but-not-really blog to the wonderful Confessions of a Me by my sort-of-sister-but-not-really, Francesca "Falls Off Horses" Price.
... who is probably going to kill me for calling her that. MOVING ON!

I am Rebekah Spencer, better known as Spence, vehlr, CC or even "hey, you, yeah you with the murderous look" (true story). I adore writing, though sometimes I find it hard to get going, so I'm hoping this blog will inspire me to sit at the computer and actually write more, rather than browsing Facebook nonstop. It could happen...
But, more than that, I'm hoping I can bring at least a sliver of order to my quite frankly mental outlook on life. Maybe writing things down in a (hopefully) humorous fashion will start to clear the fog.

In the spirit of copying Francesca, here's a joke.

Two goldfish in a tank. One says to the other: how d'you drive this thing?

Til next time, lovers!

-v. x

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